Organizations involved in the development and application of the model
LAKE is an extended one-dimensional model of thermodynamic, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes in the water basin and the bottom sediments (Stepanenko and Lykosov 2005, Stepanenko et al. 2011). The model simulates vertical heat transfer taking into account the penetration of short-wave radiation in water layers (Heiskanen et al., 2015), ice, snow and bottom sediments. The model allows for the evolution of ice layer at the bottom after complete lake freezing in winter. The equations of the model are formulated in terms of quantities averaged over the horizontal section a water body, which leads to an explicit account of the exchange of momentum, heat, dissolved species and suspended matter between water and the inclined bottom. In the water column, k - ε parametrization of turbulence is applied, along with other options like Henderson-Sellers diffusivity and convective adaptation of predicted vertical distributions. The equations of motion take into account the barotropic (Stepanenko et al., 2016) and baroclinic pressure gradient (Степаненко, 2018; Stepanenko et al., 2020). In ice and snow, a coupled transport of heat and liquid water is reproduced (Volodina et al. 2000; Stepanenko et al., 2019). In bottom sediments, water phase changes are simulated. The water salinity effects include contributions to density, freezing point, the ice growth rate (Stepanenko et al., 2019). The water budget is explicitly simulated to reproduce lake level variations, as well as associated vertical motions in the water column (Степаненко и др., 2020). The model also describes vertical diffusion of dissolved gases (CO2, CH4, O2), as well as their bubble transfer, methane oxidation, photosynthesis and processes of oxygen consumption in water column and sediments. The other biogeochemical species include particulate organic matter (both living and dead), chorophyll-a, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic phosphorus. Parameterization of methane production in sediments is included (Stepanenko et al. 2011), and for the case of thermokarst lakes, an original formulation for the methane production near the lower boundary of "talik" is implemented. Model has been tested in respect to thermal and ice regime at a number lakes in contrasting climate conditions, specifically, within the LakeMIP project (Lake Model Intercomparison Project, Stepanenko et al., 2010; Stepanenko et al., 2013; Stepanenko et al., 2014; Thiery et al., 2014). The modeled carbon dioxide and methane emissions has been reported for a number of natural and artificial reservoirs (Iakunin et al., 2020; Guseva et al., 2020; Stepanenko et al., 2011; Stepanenko et al., 2016; Степаненко и др., 2020).
Lab Head
Senior Researcher
Junior Researcher
Graduate Student
Organizations involved in the development and application of the model
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Moscow State Univercity, Research Computing Center
Leninskie Gory, 1, building 4, Moscow, 119234, Russia [visit site] |
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Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia, 603950, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanova str., 46 [visit site] |
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Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademicheskiy ave., 10 / 3 [visit site] |
The current version of the model is 3.2
The complete model archive with sample input data:
When publishing results using LAKE2.x model please refer to:
Stepanenko, V., Mammarella, I., Ojala, A., Miettinen, H., Lykosov, V., & Vesala (2016). LAKE 2.0: a model for temperature, methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen dynamics in lakes. Geoscientific Model Development, 9(5), 1977–2006.